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3. Your son needs you. Fif, you know that this is a cold world that we live in.  Things are much crazier for our children now than they were for you and I growing up.  That boy needs you.  He needs you in his life to keep him from making some of the dumb mistakes that so many of us make because we didn’t have the proper guidance. Although he may think he is a grown man now, you and I both know that this world constantly chews up and spits out children who are not equipped with the tools to go out here and face the everyday struggles of life.

4.  Its All About The Child – Regardless of what drama happens between you and Marquise’s mom it is all about the child.  Your relationship can still be repaired.  Its never too late to make amends and tell someone that you love them.  As someone who has been shot 9 times you already know that tomorrow isn’t promised.  Don’t take for granted the opportunities that you have to make things right.

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The media has been making a big deal about pictures that were posted on Facebook from Marquise’s graduation over the weekend. Many are speculating as to why you weren’t at the graduation or in any of the pictures.  Those are questions that only you can answer, but I would like to say that even if you weren’t able to attend the graduation I hope that you at least spoke to him and congratulated him on his accomplishment.  In the midst of this current media storm surrounding you and  your family I suggest that you just take a moment, pick up the phone and call your son to tell him “job well done” if you haven’t already done so.  He wants to hear it…He NEEDS to hear it.  Hopefully, that one phone call can be the catalyst to mending an obviously broken relationship.

Prayerfully, I wish you all the best in everything that you do, but especially in your efforts to build a better bond with Marquisse.


Showtime, The Single Father

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