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Black Music Month: Waleed Coyote from Radio to Records

K975 - Black Music Month

Source: Paige Boyd / R1 Digital

Waleed Coyote, in a recent interview for Black Music Month, shared his inspiring journey from Greensboro, North Carolina. He recounted how he learned English by watching BET and MTV, and how his hometown fueled his passion for music.

Coyote’s journey into radio began in college at Western Carolina University, eventually leading him to start Othaz Records, the first indie label to go platinum in hip hop in Carolina. Known for his influential events, he threw Fantasia’s 21st birthday party and the first Casa Migo party ever.

He also played a pivotal role in the career transition of Luke Nasty from 336 Boyz to a successful solo artist. After leaving radio to focus on selling records, Coyote was instrumental in the early success of EMPIRE and its founder, Ghazi.

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