The headline is as frightening as it sounds: “Half Of Atlanta’s Newly Diagnosed HIV Patients Have AIDS, Grady Testing Finds.” Yet, what may sound like…

 Today  is National HIV Testing Day and you need to know your status.There will be several events going on in our area where you can get free testing this week. Come out this Thursday, June 27th to The Public Health Center- Clinic E located 10 Sunnybrook Road, Raleigh, NC 5pm until 8pm for free testing. […]

In order to spread HIV/AIDS awareness in the African-American community, Reverend Anthony Lee has instituted a practice of testing himself  in front of his congregation…

With National HIV testing Day being June 27th, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that in the USA 20% of the people infected with HIV don’t know it. Many get diagnosed so late that they develop AIDS within one year. Reports found that Florida, New York, Texas, Georgia and New Jersey had […]