Confronting the stigma that millennial artists are less inclined to marry their craft with social issues, the 2015 BET Awards stood out as not only…

During a Monday interview with comedian Marc Maron, President Barack Obama used the n-word to drive home the point that the shunning of the word in today’s…

Also, Josh Duggars apologizes after molestation charges and Ireland votes on legalizing gay marriage through a national vote.

Racial oppression (particularly suffered by blacks) will not come to an end until we erase the stigmas of pathological deviance that is constantly being attributed to black bodies.

I found this video while searching through the news for Baltimore stories. It’s not being reported, instead, the video is being shared on YouTube. It…

Things are starting to calm down in Baltimore as residents ban together to clean up and bring peace back into their community. There were a…

While thousands took to the streets all over the country to demonstrate after Freddie Gray‘s death, protests also continued in Ferguson, Missouri after two separate shootings…

Parts of Baltimore have been in despair for decades, however this week’s riots may have set the area back. Yesterday, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly shared…

The city’s eruption follows decades of systemic failure. Photograph by Devin Allen TIME Magazine revealed their latest cover, a chilling image of the Baltimore Uprising…

“There’s some days that I’ll shield him in the house just so he won’t go outside and I know that I can’t do that for…