In case you have to deal with this heatwave without the luxury of air-conditioning, here are a few tips on how to stay cool….. *Use box fans and ceiling fans to promote air circulation throughout your home. Opening doors in the house and using box fans to push hot air outdoors can function as an […]

Temperatures this weekend will be topping 100 degrees. Here are a few tips to stay cool and safe as we battle this heat…. * Never leave anyone or animal in a parked car on a hot day even if the windows are cracked. * Avoid strenuous activities during the day * Dress with lightweight, light-colored […]

Here are a few tips to keep cool in this heatwave: *Run your wrists under cold water every few hours for five seconds. It helps cool your blood because of the main vein that’s located there. *Wear light colored cotton clothes.Dark colors attract heat and sunlight, light colors reflect. Also, synthetic fabrics trap heat, while […]