Author Daniel Handler (pictured), who is best known for his Lemony Snicket series of children’s books experienced an ‘unfortunate event’ at a ceremony announcing the…

It is believed that Sephora had locked accounts under Asian-sounding surnames to try and prevent the re-selling of coveted items (think Urban Decay's Naked eyeshadow palette) for bulk sales.


Talk about Dear White People. MTV just announced a casting call for white people between the ages of 16-24 that have experienced discrimination and racism from…

Comedian Artie Lange recently tweeted his disgusting sexual desires for ESPN “First Take” host Cari Champion which included his need to treat her like a…


    According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of the term “racism” was in 1933, but the practice of racism was well learned by…

Paranoia about Ebola making its way Stateside has caused many in the media to operate from the space of stupid. It’s not shocking, but no less frustrating.…

No matter who or what you are, you are likely to occasionally fall victim to looking at the world through a very specific lens. Such…


  Young Black males in recent years were at a far greater risk of being shot dead by police than their White counterparts – 21…

A month after the shooting death of unarmed teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo, the streets may be cleared of protesters but the existence of racism is loud. Luke Montgomery, who is a white video director put together this PSA with kids in Ferguson addressing racism in a unique way…..check it out.


Atlanta Hawks co-owner Bruce Levenson has decided to sell his controlling interest in the team after a two year old racially charged email surfaced. Some have…

If you asked the average Black person about the state of racism in America, you’ll likely be greeted with boos, hisses, eye rolls, and four-letter…

As countless police officers continue to negatively objectify Black men, the case of prominent Hollywood producer Charles Belk (pictured) is a shining example of how…