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As  soon as you thought the Jackson family drama was winding down, Katherine Jackson claims she was tricked by her children into going to the spa in Arizona and leaving her grandchildren at her home in California. She also says she was blocked from speaking to her grandchildren while she was in Arizona.

The matriarch of the Jackson family filed her explosive declaration when she was making strides to get reinstated as Michael Jackson‘s children’s legal guardian. According to court documents, Katherine Jackson said she made plans to travel by car to New Mexico to attend a concert where The Jacksons would be performing. When it came time to leave, a doctor she did not know showed up at the house and told her it would be better for her to fly to the show instead of driving.

Katherine Jackson says she agreed to take the plane to New Mexico because she believed the doctor who came to the house was under the orders of her longtime physician. However, when she got off the plane, she found herself in Tucson, Arizona where she had been set up in a luxury spa/hotel. After mother Jackson checked into the resort, her iPad and cellphone were confiscated. Katherine says the phone and television in her room were removed as well. Katherine also says when she asked about her grandchildren, she was told that they were fine. She stated she didn’t know a missing persons report had been filed and that her grandchildren thought she was missing.

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Katherine was quoted as saying, At the time, I trusted the people I was with to be honest with me.”

The statements Katherine Jackson made in her legal documents contradict the speech she read off notebook paper on television last week. During her interview with ABC News, she claimed, “One reason I didn’t call is I just gave up my phone and I didn’t want to have any phone calls while I was here.” Katherine was surrounded by her children Janet, Rebbie, Jermaine, and Randy when she gave that interview. In Katherine’s most recent declaration, the person who sent the unnamed doctor to her home and the people who looked after her while she “vacationed” at the spa were never identified.



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Katherine Jackson: I Was Tricked Into Going To Arizona!  was originally published on