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Kanye West Kim Kardashian Unhappy

Why They Aren’t Married…Yet

Kids are smart. Though they may not always display it, the propensity to figure things out is a natural ability God gives to all his children. At some point, kids know that mommy and daddy aren’t husband and wife, and it’ll be hard to make excuses for never being married when life has afforded you every other luxury that money can buy. God forbid the kid stumbles onto Kim’s sex tape before the parental unit gets to explain why they aren’t married. In that case, the kid could eventually perceive Mommy as merely a sausage receptacle, & it’s self-esteem may be shot to hell. And not for nothing, but the last thing we need is another traumatized child celebrity in our midst.

5 Things KimYe Will Have To Explain To Their Offspring  was originally published on

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