
 I am all for equal rights but I think this is going to far. First they try to make Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street gay and now The Green Latern is gay?????? In the original DC Comic, the Green Latern was married with 2 superhero kids but now they bring him back in the new […]

Another Black male shot dead by police, once again, will not receive protection under the law. SEE ALSO: No Relief From High Unemployment For Blacks…


Unfortunately, the unemployment rate for African Americans rose in May to 13.6 percent from 13.0 percent in April, the Labor Department said on Friday. The…

Detroit’s police chief calls it “unfathomable”: A 7-year-old boy hanged himself from his bunk bed with a belt, depressed over his parents’ separation and because he got bullied constantly at school and around his neighborhood, reports the Detroit Free Press. He was discovered by his 14-year-old-sister, who saw him through the keyhole of his locked […]


In a campaign video released Thursday, First Lady Michelle Obama voiced with no hesitation that the United States of America will have a female president,…


Special editorial by Tamika Mallory, National Executive Director of National Action Network, and Marvin Bing,  Northeast Regional Director for the National NAACP. We are in a…

In the African country of Kenya, not far from its capital city Nairobi, the Kibera Slum is said to be Africa’s largest slum. SEE ALSO:…


BOSTON — A federal appeals court Thursday declared that the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to married gay couples, a groundbreaking ruling…

Brian Banks, the former high school standout linebacker who was wrongfully convicted of rape and kidnapping, is getting a chance to earn a spot on…


WASHINGTON — Keep your friends close, and your former presidents closer. SEE ALSO: Why Is Romney Embracing GOP Extremists? President Barack Obama is welcoming his…


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Wednesday congratulated Mitt Romney on securing the Republican presidential nomination, a gesture coupled with a new line of…


The family of William Martinez, the Georgia man who died on March 12, 2009 while engaging in a threesome with a friend and woman other than…