Check out motivational speaker, attorney, political activist, and radio talk show host Warren Ballentine as he breaks down last nights Presidential Debate…Warren Ballentine

 Last night President Obama and Mitt Romney took to stage for their last Presidential debate and once again Mitt showed signs of Romnesia. Early voting is going on now thru Nov. 3rd and you can register and vote. Election Day is Nov. 6th. Check out last night’s debate and make sure you let your voice […]

Ripping a recent page from Tagg Romney’s playbook, racist and conservative (at the risk of sounding repetitive) commentator, Ann Coulter, is once again writing verbal…


If you thought the “Saturday Night Live” parody of the vice-presidential debate between Vice-President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan was hilarious, then the spoof…

President Barack Obama‘s relationship with Jay-Z has been well documented. Jigga was an avid supporter of Obama during the 2008 campaign and he and wife…


Guest Blogger Joshua Johnson explains why voting for Barack Obama solely because of his race is an insult to his qualifications. You’re Black. You Can’t…

 After the whipping Barack Obama gave Mitt Romney during Tuesday night’s debate, Romney son Tagg stated on a North Carolina Radio show that he wanted to jump out of his seat and take a swing at the President. He said the thought of the Secret Service tackling him is what held him back. I think he […]

Early Voting starts today and run through Nov.3rd. Voters can also register to vote and cast their ballot during the early voting period. To find an early voting poll location near you click here….


A single shot was fired through a large window at the Obama campaign field office in Denver, Colorado, reports the Denver Post. Three people were…

 So what did you think about the Vice Presidential Debate last night??? I bet Ryan didn’t think Ol Joe was gonna come out swinging like he did. Ryan danced all night long around the questions as V.P. Joe Biden landed punches on the young buck left and right. In case you missed it no worries, […]

 Get ready for Biden Vs. Ryan ! The Vice Presidential debate takes place tonite at 9pm EST. between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan. The topic will be foreign and domestic policy. If you have not done so yet please register to vote…..the deadline is tomorrow, October 12th. To register in Wake County […]

The first of three Presidential debates went down last night and many say Gov.Romney came out on top even though he really didn’t give any specifics about how he would do the things he promise to do. He did say he would cut PBS funding… more Sesame Street O_O???? What will the kids learn from […]