Tip has always been vocal about his stance on the Black Lives Matter movement, so it comes as no surprise that he was not here for Mayweather's questionable remarks.


The troubled boxer is scaring fans with his alarming messages.

The family welcomed the public to the wake to view the body of the late star, but apparently fans crossed the line.

When Tamar Braxton recently set her Instagram page to private and unfollowed Monica and Latoya Wright, people thought it was because the two of them appeared on “The Real,” in the months after Tamar was fired. Since then, she spoke out about the rumors that have been flying around about her, as well as false […]

We can only look forward to the shenanigans Ye' will roll out on the 'gram.

New Music

Drake told Instagram he's got Lil Wayne's back for life.

Torrin and Doobie met each other on Instagram, and after exchanging likes, comments, and most importantly, DMs, the two met in real life for a few consecutive days of smashing before parting ways and returning back to their normal lives. But Torrin had a baby, and didn’t tell Doobie until the baby was over a […]

Nipsey Hussle doesn't play when it comes to his music and his lady.

Chrissy's just a regular degular shmegular chick from the block - in a supermodel kind of way.