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The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is a call to prayer for the eradication of HIV/AIDS through prayer, education, advocacy and service.

The week of prayer begins  March 6, 2011 and ends  March 12, 2011. As a sibling and a friend to people who  have died of this dreaded disease I ask you to pray. We may not have money. We may not have time. We do have the one moment while standing waiting for the bus, or train. We  can say that quick prayer while waiting online at Starbucks.  We  need to band together.

It is the coming together of all people of faith to unite with purpose, compassion and hope to do the following:

  • Educate every American about AIDS facts;
  • Encourage and support HIV Testing;
  • Advocate for the availability of compassionate care and treatment for all those living with the disease in every community in America and
  • Love, unconditionally, every person living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

We, members of faith communities, are a diverse group of believers.  Often, we struggle through our differences and far too many times, we retreat and live behind walls that divide us from our fellow believers. We believe that if we are Roman  Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal or AME we pray different. We all hold a part of the truth. That truth is in Salvation. You need not agree with me on my personal beliefs or religious practices. I will not always agree with you.  We do meet at the foot of the cross.

Prayer is the mystical truth of Divine Love that is common to all believers.  Right now in this moment, I invite all believers to step forward beyond the walls that divide us into the circle of conscious prayer for the healing of AIDS.  Let us not allow the issues that divide us to prevent us from entering into a circle of prayer and education with all of our brothers and sisters. Let us seek divine guidance for our own individual and congregational paths toward AIDS awareness, advocacy and service.

The purpose of The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is to bring national attention to the AIDS epidemic in the United States and the extraordinary role faith communities can and are playing in AIDS prevention, education, service and advocacy.

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS will promote the continuous national mobilization and education of faith communities to take an even greater role in the implementation of AIDS education and services within their local communities and across the nation.

If you would like to  register your congregation  please visit

Be sure to follow me on twitter@ Elev8_Oretha.

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