
Via: Hurricane Igor has swelled into a major Category 5-hurricane. It has maximum winds near 150 mph. Its still too early to predict its paths but officials think it’ll stay off shore. Behind Igor is Tropical Storm Julia,  It has maximum sustained winds of 40 mph. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Julia is […]

Via: The United States won its first world championship since 1994 today, beating Turkey 81-64. This was a “Take that haters” type of win for team USA because they were being called the “B-team” heading in to the Tournament (meaning, there’s no Lebron, Kobe, Wade, Mello, Paul or Howard). But that didn’t matter, Kevin […]

Via: A Florida pastor who called off a Quran burning said late Thursday he was “rethinking our position” after a proposed meeting over the location of an Islamic center near New York’s ground zero went unconfirmed. Apparently Rev. Terry Jones thought that if he called off his Quran burning two things would happen. 1. […]

Source: A woman who was robbed of $310 while sitting at a Seattle traffic light gave police a detailed description of the man who stuck a gun in her open window. He had “GET MONEY” shaved into the hair on one side of his head. He also had “GET” tattooed on his right hand and […]

Via: Microsoft had to apologize to an entire city in West Virginia and a 26-year-old gamer because they considered the city’s name offensive (The city’s name is “Fort Gay”). Here’s how it went down, Josh Moore tried to tell Microsoft and the enforcement team at Xbox Live that he wasn’t playing when he listed […]

( The end of summer is signified by the celebration of Labor Day. It’s always on the first Monday in September. The holiday originated in 1882 as a result of the labor movement and was intended to be a day of rest to recognize the efforts of the average working man. The first Monday in […]

Via: Today president OBAMA will return to Washington to address the nation and formally end the combat mission in Iraq that has lasted more than 7 years… The White House sees today’s benchmark as a promise kept. Obama will also honor those who have served in Iraq since the March 2003. Under a security […]

Via: Today Millions of Americans will be paying homage to those killed by Hurricane KATRINA… On this day in 2005, 1800 people lost there life to Hurricane Katrina… Today A “healing ceremony” and march are planned in the Lower 9th Ward… In the afternoon, President Barack Obama will speak at Xavier University — which, […]