The Honey Pot Co started in 2012 with a self-crafted vulva wash. Eventually, it grew into a full suite of more than 60 feminine products. From pads and tampons to help our Aunt Flo every month to sexual wellness products and various types of washes, Honey Pot is there when we need her and available in several stores.

Women have periods. Many women are homeless. Women make up almost 32 percent of the homeless population in the United States. Those women have periods…

Sometimes the hygienic things we’re told to do down there are in reality not good for our vaginal health. Here’s five things that you should…

Are Summer’s Eve’s new ads racist? The feminine hygiene product company is promoting their latest campaign, “Hail To The V,” with minute-long clips featuring talking “vagina” hands. Crazy, right? Not yet. The “Black” vagina is an afro-wearing, sassy, “girl!” & “mm-hmmm”-using vagina that’s about to hit the cluuuub. She goes by the name of Lady […]